Compound Living: 3 Ways to Embrace the Power of Compounding in Everyday Life


7 min readJun 4, 2023

Compound interest, a concept commonly associated with financial growth, has the potential to extend beyond monetary matters and profoundly impact various aspects of our lives. While initially introduced to the notion of compounding through math problems involving bank interest rates during my junior high school days, I didn’t fully grasp its significance at the time. Back then, our focus was merely on calculating the correct numbers, without delving into the potential broader implications of compounding in shaping our perspective on life.

It wasn’t until last year, as I began my journey into the market and explored classic texts from different schools of thought, that I realized how frequently the topic of compounding benefits was mentioned. Yet, it remained remarkably easy to overlook. Since I had yet to experience firsthand the advantages of compounding, it became something of a belief for me — an unwavering conviction that the ultimate outcome would be positive. Anchored by this faith, I continue to steadfastly pursue the actions I believe are necessary, eagerly anticipating the exponential rewards that may manifest in the future. Of course, there is the possibility that, in the end, the compounding effect may not be as magnificent as portrayed in those books. It’s conceivable that I might find myself years down the line without much to show for it. However, while I still possess the advantages of youth, I am more than willing to invest a few years in discovering the true effectiveness of compounding. Moreover, when the risks are minimal and the potential rewards approach infinity, embarking on this self-investment adventure seems immeasurably worthwhile.

Returning to the main topic at hand, I have no intention of reiterating the immense power of the compounding effect. Countless resources are available on the internet that expound on the subject, explaining how improving by just 1% each day can result in 37-fold progress over the course of a year. However, the true challenge lies in sustaining such consistent daily progress throughout the entire year. Hence, the focus of this article will shift towards the practical application of compounding in our daily lives. I will explore the changes in mindset and ideas that arise once we comprehend the compounding effect and discuss how we can integrate them into our day-to-day existence.

1. Major Choices and Small Decisions in Life

There’s an intriguing phenomenon that occurs when high school students are selecting their college majors. Everyone becomes consumed with researching the future prospects, starting salaries, and industry trends associated with each discipline. At this critical juncture, where this “potentially life-defining” decision looms, no one approaches it without trepidation. We strive to pinpoint the most suitable, interesting, and financially rewarding path amidst the vast sea of academic options. Anxiety creeps in, fueled by the fear of missing out on better alternatives.

However, upon reflection after a few years, do these decisions truly possess the monumental impact we once believed? How many individuals end up working in fields unrelated to their original majors? How many would confidently proclaim, “The choice I made back then was the wisest decision of my life and forever changed my trajectory”? The reality is, such declarations are only found in advertising materials with a commercial nature.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that these transitional choices hold no significance or can be made haphazardly. The environment we choose inevitably influences our thoughts, actions, and perspectives to some extent. However, enrolling in an electrical engineering program does not guarantee becoming an outstanding engineer, just as studying law does not ensure a future as a stellar legal professional. The path from decision-making to embodying our ideal selves encompasses a considerable journey. It may involve immersing ourselves in unfamiliar domains, enduring the pain of relentless effort without immediate gratification. In the moment of decision-making, we often imagine a direct link between our choices and future outcomes, but we overlook the arduous and continuous process of commitment.

What I wish to underscore is that the true building blocks of our character are the smallest, seemingly inconsequential decisions we make. Will we spend our mornings mindlessly scrolling through our phones or engage in reading, exercise, or revisiting our lessons? Will we lose ourselves in binge-watching TV shows or gaming until the late hours, or will we dedicate time to meditation and seize opportunities for rest? These seemingly minor decisions, upheld over the long term, wield the greatest influence because it is within them that the power of compounding takes hold.

When faced with a decision, I endeavor to transcend my habitual thought patterns and project myself into the future — 3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now. I contemplate whether this choice will significantly impact the person I become in the future. This practice alleviates the anxiety associated with decision-making and strengthens my conviction once I have resolved to move forward.

2. Start Before You Feel Completely Ready

There are times when we face a slump, feeling mentally and physically drained, unable to accomplish the tasks we had planned. It’s normal; after all, we’re not superheroes. We can expect these low moments to strike unexpectedly. So, it’s crucial to prepare ourselves mentally and establish strategies to navigate through these downturns more efficiently.

The concept of compounding teaches us that success doesn’t rely on one outstanding performance but rather on consistent effort over time. Even if we can only give something our 40% on a challenging day, that’s still progress. The key is to push ourselves to complete the tasks we’ve set, even when we don’t feel motivated. It’s far better than giving up entirely.

We don’t have to wait until we’re perfectly prepared before taking action. This mindset minimizes the hesitation and uncertainty that often hold us back. Interestingly, waiting for the ideal moment when we feel at our best can make us more susceptible to disappointment if the outcome falls short of expectations.

Personally, I set daily morning goals, including getting sufficient sleep, exercising, and writing. However, there are occasions when I stay up late watching extra YouTube videos or struggle to leave the comfort of my bed. In such instances, it’s natural that my morning routine and time are affected. In the past, I might have blamed my lack of self-discipline from the previous day, leading to an unproductive day ahead. But now, my approach is different. I adjust my expectations and strive to accomplish as much as possible within the available time and energy. For example, if my usual exercise routine consists of push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, squats, and planks, I might focus on just push-ups and crunches. Similarly, if I planned to write from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM but wake up at 10:00 AM, I’ll still open my computer and attempt to write a brief paragraph. (By the way, this paragraph was written under such circumstances.)

Don’t wait for the perfect moment or until you feel fully prepared to begin. Embrace a mindset that encourages progress. Focus on the journey of consistency rather than solely fixating on immediate results. By doing so, you’ll cultivate a sense of calmness and be better equipped to evaluate outcomes. Remember, the true power of compounding lies in the unwavering commitment to keep moving forward.

3. Embracing Simplicity: A Shortcut to Success

I firmly believe that the compounding effect holds the key to success, even though it requires a long-term commitment. When it comes to learning, I instinctively steer clear of shortcuts that promise quick results, such as various accelerated courses or methods claiming fluency in a week or memorization of thousands of words in a few days. These products often boast about saving time and effort while guaranteeing impressive returns. But do they truly deliver? In our relentless pursuit of the quickest path, do we risk overlooking the humble and unadorned road?

In the realm of stock market operations, low-risk strategies yield correspondingly low returns. If we desire high returns, we must be prepared to embrace higher risks. Are there strategies that offer high returns with minimal risk? I believe they exist, but they are not widely known or easily attained. Uncovering such strategies demands extensive dedication, meticulous research, and relentless exploration — a quest for untapped gold mines.

“You reap what you sow” may sound cliché, but they now resonate with a newfound sense of practicality. In the past, I often questioned my personal growth over time or doubted the effectiveness of my efforts, sometimes leading me to abandon my endeavors prematurely. However, I have developed the resilience to endure the initial disappointments that follow my exertions. Understanding the difference between instant gratification and delayed gratification is one of the rewards of the compounding effect. It not only shields me from the allure of quick fixes in life but also reinforces my unwavering belief that every effort I invest will yield abundant rewards in the future.

By sowing the seeds of planning, setting goals, and selecting strategies, and by cultivating consistent habits, I allow compounding to work its magic. This approach not only shapes my mindset but also provides direction for my endeavors. Returning to simplicity may very well be the most expeditious route to our goals.

Unleashing the Power of Compound Benefits

I firmly believe that one must begin doing something in order to become an expert in that particular field, rather than waiting to become exceptional before starting. I hold this perspective as I aspire to continually progress and improve.

The concept of compounding extends far beyond what I have explored thus far, and undoubtedly, my personal growth journey will continue to unveil new insights. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, I currently lack any tangible evidence of compounding benefits manifesting in my own life. Nevertheless, I embrace it as a belief, an imaginary shortcut to success, and I persistently walk this path of learning.

Photo by Lino on Unsplash

